
Journal of Human Genetics 期間限定無料公開論文および Open Access Articleのお知らせ/Message from Journal of Human Genetics; free access papers with limited time period and open access article

Journal of Human Genetics では、出版社のご厚意により、出版される論文の中からいくつかを選択して1ヶ月間限定で無料公開しています。現在、以下の論文が無料公開されています。

また、Open Access Article も併せてぜひ、ご閲覧ください。


Some of the papers published in Journal of Human Genetics are freely available for one month just         after online publication, thanks to the publisher.  Please feel free to take a look at them from the URL     below.


Featured articles (free access until Aug 22):

Article | Pasumarthi et al. | Identification and characterization of 30 novel pathogenic variations in 69      unrelated Indian patients with Mucolipidosis Type II and Type III


Featured articles (free access until Aug 31):

Article | Yao et al. | Identifying potential functional lncRNAs in metabolic syndrome by constructing         a lncRNA–miRNA–mRNA network


Open Access articles in Issue 8:

Article | Lei et al. | Long-read DNA sequencing fully characterized chromothripsis in a patient with           Langer–Giedion syndrome and Cornelia de Lange syndrome-4

Article | Cha et al. | Genome-wide association study identifies zonisamide responsive gene in                   Parkinson’s disease patients