
Journal of Human Genetics 期間限定無料公開論文のお知らせ/Message from Journal of Human Genetics; free access papers with limited time period

Journal of Human Genetics では、出版社のご厚意により、出版される論文の中からいくつかを選択して1ヶ月間限定で無料公開しています。現在、以下の論文が無料公開されています。ぜひご高覧ください。

Some of the papers published in Journal of Human Genetics are freely available for one month just after online publication, thanks to the publisher. Please feel free to take a look at them from the URL below.

Article | Moeko Nakashima, et al. | C-terminal truncations in IQSEC2: implications for synaptic localization, guanine nucleotide exchange factor activity, and neurological manifestations (free access until February 12, 2024)

Brief Communication | Changhee Ha, et al. | CRYAB stop-loss variant causes rare syndromic dilated cardiomyopathy with congenital cataract: expanding the phenotypic and mutational spectrum of alpha-B crystallinopathy (free access until February 15, 2024)

Brief Communication | Eriko Koshimizu, et al. | Detection of hidden intronic DDC variant in aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency by adaptive sampling (free access until February 15, 2024)